Having several loans to keep track of can be difficult to manage, which can make loan consolidation a tempting solution. Be sure to weigh your options before you make the decision to consolidate, there are many pros and cons to consider.
Refinancing and recasting your mortgage are very different, but both can save you money. Recasting is a little known option that isn't marketed often by mortgage lenders.
Reverse mortgages are often a last-resort source of income. The decision to take this type of mortgage out may seem like an easy way out of a financial bind, but there are many financial pros and cons to be aware of to help you decide if this would make sense for you.
If you are not currently a caregiver, there is a good chance that sometime in the future, you will be. It is important to take steps to prepare, educate, and protect yourself both financially and emotionally.
When getting ready for retirement, most people plan for costs like basic living expenses, housing, health care, transportation and recreation. One thing you may not be planning for is the cost of assisting your adult child financially.
Should I refinance my mortgage or stay put? There are many reasons why you may benefit from a refinance and many factors to consider when making this decision.