If you are not already, one day you will most likely be lucky enough to reach age 70. At that time, you will also likely be aware of the Required Minimum Distribution rules that will apply to any pre-tax sheltered retirement accounts (such as IRA and 401k accounts) that you have.
The Major Differences in Retirement Planning for Singles vs. Couples
What are "Safe" Amounts to Withdraw from Retirement Savings?
The Major Differences of the Old and New Tax Codes
How will Divorce Impact Your Retirement Income?
Which is Better? Taking a Monthly Pension for Life vs. Single Lump-Sum Payment
When Does an Advisor Have a Conflict-of-Interest?
The Labor Department’s Fiduciary Rule would have required that all advice from advisors (related to retirement savings and investments) be solely “in the best interest” of their clients. For an advisor to meet that requirement, the advisor would have had to act as a “fiduciary” when advising clients.