With tax season quickly approaching, it may be helpful to review the major changes in the tax laws stemming from the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” that began in 2018 as well as some new changes for 2019.
Should You Use the 4% Rule when Taking Distributions from Your Retirement Savings?
Creative Retirement Planning For The Charitably Inclined (Part 1)
As you plan for your retirement your primary focus is on building assets to provide a source of income for your retirement years. The goal is to accumulate wealth, either on a taxable or tax deferred basis, that will generate sufficient earnings and growth combined with mandatory distributions from tax qualified plans and social security benefits to support your lifestyle in the years you are not working.
Inherited IRA: Important Options for Non-Spouse Beneficiaries
Inheriting an IRA divides you into two groups: a non-spouse or a surviving spouse. The rules and options for what to do with an IRA you inherit are different for each group. Proper planning and knowing your options can help you establish lifetime income opportunities, avoid paying higher taxes or penalties and create a lasting legacy for your beneficiaries.